Seventy-eight years ago, the world celebrated the victory over fascism in Germany. No one could have predicted that Russia, despite its fraternal ties with Ukraine, would direct its forces towards the destruction of a people who should be closest to it.
But for over a year now, war has been raging on Ukrainian soil, and each day it becomes more and more difficult to imagine its end. When will the people of Ukraine be able to return to peaceful life, when will the war stop claiming the lives of innocent civilians, when will the sounds of sirens and missile strikes fade away?
No one should suffer at the hands of the new fascism created by Putin and his cronies. Each crime committed by them must be examined and those responsible held accountable before the law.
I am against Putin's policies, against his villainy and the suffering of peaceful residents of Ukraine.
However, looking at the President of Ukraine and seeing how the whole world has rallied to help the Ukrainian people, I am confident in victory. I wish for a speedy victory over fascism, freedom for Russia from Putin's Nazi regime, and the advent of peace on Ukrainian soil.
Ukraine will win! Glory to Ukraine!