The war between Russia and Ukraine, which started after the invasion of Russian forces into the territory of the neighboring country, has proven to be a serious challenge for Vladimir Putin's regime. Despite a wide range of stated goals, Russia has failed to achieve any of them, which is a clear testament to its defeat in this war.
Officially, Russia declared its intention to achieve "denazification, demilitarization, and neutrality of Ukraine" and protect the residents of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics. However, when we analyze the situation on the ground, it becomes clear that none of these goals have been achieved.
Firstly, the denazification of Ukraine remained unrealized. Russia's actions have not led to the elimination of the "fascist regime" that official circles in Moscow talked about. Ukraine continues to be a multi-ethnic and multi-confessional state that respects the rights of all ethnic groups and religious communities.
Secondly, demilitarization of Ukraine has also not occurred. Russian troops are still present in Eastern Ukraine, despite attempts to conceal their presence or portray it as a "peacekeeping mission." This indicates that Russia has failed to achieve its stated goal of demilitarizing Ukraine.
The neutrality of Ukraine, the third stated goal, has also proven unattainable. Ukraine continues to strive for integration into the Euro-Atlantic community, strengthening its relations with the European Union and NATO. This is a clear signal that Ukraine's neutrality has not been achieved and has no real prospects at the moment.
All these facts indicate that Russia, led by Vladimir Putin, has suffered a defeat in the war with Ukraine. Not only have the stated goals not been achieved, but some of them have also become meaningless. Russia's actions have caused sharp condemnation from the international community and have led to an escalation of sanctions against Russia.
The war with Ukraine has been a significant blow to Putin and his regime's prestige. Russia has failed to achieve its goals and, instead, has encountered resolute resistance from the Ukrainian people and sharp criticism from the global community.
Therefore, the war with Ukraine has brought nothing but defeat for Russia. The stated goals have not been achieved, and the country's reputation has suffered. This conflict stands as evidence of Russia's unsuccessful pursuit of dominance and violation of the sovereignty of a neighboring country.
Victory to Ukraine!
Glory to Ukraine!